Training Day II

The young people took part in further training today. They started by reviewing what they had learnt previously and quickly got hands on with the equipment. They practiced setting the white balance, aperture, focus and composition for their shots on the camera and getting the correct level of sound with their sound recorders. They were also introduced to a lighting rig that allowed them to create better looking shots.

Before lunch they worked together to make their own drink of milk, sugar and crushed almonds, cardamon and cloves - this is the famous drink Panjabi Wrestlers would have directly after a training sessions to build their muscles.

After lunch they learnt about the differences between Oral and Traditional history methods and their advantages and pitfalls. They developed a series of questions to ask the interviewees to cover the history and personal experiences of Panjabi Wrestlers and those who witnessed their bouts.

They then learnt interview skills and practiced these until the end of the day.


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